Get Your Rat Or Mouse Problem Under Control!

Enjoy some peace of mind that your Rat or Mouse problem is in good hands! Whether you fear you have been cohabitating with Rats or Mice or you have a rodent infestation, let our highly experienced team at Johnsons Pest Control be your only call when you need a prompt pest control service! Ensuring the solutions we use are accepted by the Rats or Mice by using clean traps and bait stations, we provide fresh products and in some situations, advanced Bluetooth technology traps are used to ensure your rodent control has the best results. Serving the homes and businesses in Fargo, ND, Moorhead, MN, Detroit Lakes, MN, Norfolk, NE, and surrounding areas, call our team today at (701) 282-5771  or (701) 282-8490 for a Rat or Mice control service you can trust!

Rat and Mouse Control Services

A few mice can be easily taken care of by setting out snap traps and maybe using an attractant to lure them to the trap. We need to get involved if there is more than that, which is considered a mouse or rat infestation. Don't wait too long to call us when they are unmanageable, damaging your property and spreading possible disease. Rats and mice urinate and spread feces a lot more than you would think. A small mouse will leave 50-80 feces droppings per day. This doesn't include the amount of urine they leave in your homes and business; in kitchen drawers, counters, floors, and anywhere else they can get into. The urine smell alone can make a human feel ill. 


In these cases where there is an infestation, please call us for professional pest  extermination. We will assess the infestation and develop the best solution possible for your specific needs. In these situations, we may recommend a monthly service, quarterly at least, to keep the infestation from getting out of hand again. Our professional exterminators have intimate knowledge of rats and mice and their habits, and we will provide you with the best solution. 

The Danger Of Cohabitating With Rats & Mice

The scary part about mice and rats is that they spread diseases such as Salmonella, which impacts the digestive system, and Hantavirus, which impacts the respiratory system. There are new studies out where they see bacterial infections coming from rats and mice resistant to antibiotics. For these reasons alone, cohabitating with rats and mice can be hazardous at the least. 

Get the professionals to resolve your rodent problem, call (701) 282-5771 ND, MN or (701) 282-8490 NE now!

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